The study aimed to explore impact of COVID-19 related extended lockdown in Melbourne Australia on international student’s daily lives. Data was collected from 61 international students residing in Melbourne during lockdown and impact was found on their mental, physical, social health, learning (social and peer), and academic performance along with coping strategies used, and any support students received from the Victorian government. A data was collected through using purposive sampling and students from 10 countries participated in this study (51 percent male and 49 percent female). Study findings show that regardless of age, gender, nationality, and mode of study finance (scholarships or self-finance) majority of the students mentioned severe impact of COVID-19 related restrictions particularly lockdown on all dimensions of their lives mentioned above. The highest impact has been found on the academic performance (98 percent) following the mental health (94 percent), physical health (87 percent), social lives (84 percent). Study inquired about the coping strategies students used and results show that studies and use of social media was among the highly used coping methods (70 percent) following face time with family (32 percent) and excessive sleeping (39 percent). While responding to the support received from Victorian government 74 percent students mentioned no support and flagged the assistance required from Australian government in sectors like finances (43 percent), repatriation flights, visa issues (21 percent) and lease agreements (28 percent).