Reflection enables us to make difference though inner thoughts. Our actions depend upon our reflection. It enhances the skills of the practitioner about how he can improve the existing situation. Reflection provides the opportunity to come out from traditional ways and explore diverse approaches systematically. This research is qualitative in nature and based on review of books and different research studies. This paper provides the critical review of various researches about reflective practice. The first objective of this review is to identify that reflective practices enhance practitioners professionally and personally. The second objective of the study describe various models or theories related to reflection and third objective is to explain the role of reflective practice in personal and professional development of the teachers. Recent researches have proved that creativity is required in professional development which is obtained through reflective practice. It brings professionalism and modernism in personal and professional life. In educational field reflective practice is utilized to improve teaching learning process. Reflective practice helps to manage the practices professionally. The studies about reflective practice recommend that reflective practice should be utilized for continuous professional development of the practitioners. It is also recommended that reflective practice should be the part of professional training of the practitioners.