The main purpose of the current study was to analyse the perceptions of Higher Education Faculty’s (HEFs) perceptions of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) as a means of professional growth. HEFs’ responses to PLCs and their professional growth via PLCs were explored in depth. It was a qualitative study with a phenomenology study method. Five higher education faculty members (Male = 2, Female = 3) were selected through a purposive sampling technique from a private university in Lahore. A semi-structured interview guide was developed for the collection of data. The participants were face to face interviewed. For the data analysis, thematic analysis was performed, and themes were explained considering participants’ responses. HEFs were aware of professional learning communities. HEFs were discovered to have a positive perception of PLC and explained how active collaboration with colleagues helped them grow professionally. It is recommended that higher education organisational leaders should implement PLCs to help the faculty grow professionally as; ultimately, it will enhance the quality of students’ learning.