This study aimed to investigate the impact of social media on the public relations practices of DGPR Punjab. It sought to assess the extent to which social media is used by PR practitioners in DGPR, how it has transformed their working environment, and its influence on traditional PR tools. The study employed a quantitative approach and utilized surveys as the primary method of data collection. The sample consisted of 300 public relations practitioners from DGPR Punjab. The Two-Way Symmetrical Model served as the theoretical framework for the research questions. Data analysis involved the application of Kruskal-Walli’s test and correlation analysis. The results indicated that DGPR’s PR practitioners make use of social media in their public relations activities, with social media overshadowing traditional media. Additionally, social media has brought about changes in how PR practitioners engage with their audience and stakeholders. Finally, social media is found to be more effective than traditional media in facilitating communication between DGPR’s PR practitioners and the public/stakeholders.