Freedom of expression acknowledged as a fundamental human right in all across the world. Freedom of speech is a defense shield of all rights and prerequisite for individual distinction. In Islamic Republic of Pakistan, freedom of speech is recognized as constitutional right which can be practiced by every citizen; however this right barely rehearses due to uncertainties and unreliability in the governance of a country. Pakistan has been going through with the authoritative and democratic form of governmental system. By misusing and taking cover of constitution, governments violated the internationally standards of human rights continuously since the day of independence. Unfortunately Censorship curbs the free space of Media, a place where different ideologies and diversity of approaches can be expressed without any restrictions. Throughout the history, censorship has been used as a tool to restrict the public awareness, keep an eye on public morality and to quiet the voices of opponents. The core argument of the study is, freedom of speech is primary factor which can strengthen the democracy. This study aims to analyze a political structure of Pakistan, challenges and also aim to distinguish the main factors and actors which has been an essence of subject paradigm. Also highlight the importance of free media without any censorship is a root cause of a progressive democratic culture. This study intends to enlighten the existing situation of freedom of expression in Pakistan. This study follows the qualitative form of approach examine the previous studies of different scholars to understand the power dynamics and draws out conclusion accordingly.