Social media platforms are popular among young people all around the world. Many institutions have integrated social media as a learning tool to deliver new information and connect students. Social media is one of the most popular kinds of media today, with a wide range of characteristics and attributes. Today the usage of social media is increasing at an alarming rate. Social media is the excellent channel for students to digitally communicate with their peers and teachers. They are able to discuss important topics that are relevant to learning process. The goal of this paper was to find out the role of social media on developing speaking and writing skills of ESL learners and whether social media could motivate or encourage ESL learners enhance their speaking and writing skills. The current study utilized mixed methods including quantitative and qualitative approaches. The instrument, Questionnaires was utilized in data collection. Questionnaires were designed for ESL learners and ESL teachers. The questionnaires’ data were analyzed quantitatively using SPSS. The questionnaires ultimately revealed how much social media affects ESL Learners’ speaking and writing skills, develop their talents, boost up their confidence, provide enough chances to practice speaking and writing skills, provide platforms to share their ideas, provide opportunities for discussion with fellows and motivate them. As a result of this study, it is also suggested that social media should be integrated into the pedagogical system in order to dramatically improve ESL Learners’ speaking and writing skills.