Incorporating literature in the legal discourse is a controversial matter around the globe. In spite of this debate, law scholars, jurists and judges refer, from time to time, to a wide variety of popular literature in their legal drafts, judgements and opinions. The disciplines of law and literature are seen to intersect each other quite frequently through various means as many literary texts portray legal themes. A number of judgements cite work of literature and nevertheless many writers frequently engage in writing both legal and literary text which has led the scholars to finally accept this frequent convergence between law and literature as a strong and meaningful relationship. One aspect that is common in both and have bonded the two disciplines is that both are intangible artifact, deliberately created by humans to serve some purpose. The current study, with reference to Pakistan, is of a preliminary nature to identify the scope of incorporating literature in the LLB Curriculum in Pakistan. This paper examines the benefits and challenges of integrating literature into the LLB curriculum, and proposes some practical strategies for doing so.