This study aimed to examine the perspectives of eleven participants, including teachers, parents, curriculum developers, and academic administrators in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector, engaged in inclusive education and creating inclusive education strategies. More specifically, this study explored their perspectives on implementing inclusive education for students with hearing impairment (HI) in TVET institutions in Pakistan. Qualitative research using a focus group method was conducted to gather data. Focus group discussions revealed the need for counselling, awareness, attitude changes, instructional methods, and infrastructure to facilitate inclusive education. Creating inclusive learning environments required collaboration, personalised support, and accessible environments. It also stressed the difficulties and potential of inclusive education and urged for further study and implementation of solutions to improve student learning and well-being. Inclusive educational settings can help all students succeed. Infrastructure was examined in vocational institutions’ special needs support. Wheelchair accessibility and a safe learning environment were emphasised. They stressed the impact of the institutions’ environments on student attitudes, academic achievement, and social development. Inclusion was also discussed, emphasising the need for a communityoriented vocational skills approach customised to these individuals’ educational requirements.