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PJSR Follows double-blind peer review process.
- At the first stage all submitted manuscripts are screened by the editorial board of the journal and it is ensured that structure, reference style and text size, adhere to the policy of the journal. In addition to that plagiarism/similarity index is also checked through the turnitin Only those articles are processed further which pass the similarity index keeping in view the HEC standards.
- At the second stage, if the manuscript qualifies for the review, it is sent to one international and one national reviewer after removing the name(s) of the contributor(s). At this stage a Double-Blind Peer Review Process is followed for review of the all submitted articles.
- At third stage the editorial board evaluates the reviewer’s comments and if required, shares with the contributor to rectify the changes suggested by the reviewers. The editorial board maintains the transparency of the manuscript review process and publication.
Plagiarism Guidelines:
- The “Pakistan Journal of Social Research” strictly follows the HEC plagiarism policy.
- Authors must avoid any kind of plagiarism in their manuscripts.
- While writing the manuscripts they must cite all the sources (words, ideas, figures, data, etc.) they consult for the write-up.
- While submitting the manuscripts all authors are required to declare the originality of their work.
- If any form of plagiarism is detected during the peer review process the manuscript will be rejected. If the plagiarism is detected after the publication, the publisher has the right to issue a correction or retract the manuscript.
- The Author(s) should have a special focus on proper citation while only those articles, research and publications that have made a mark and have an outstanding position on the research subject shall be cited.
- Authorship should be given to people who were practically involved in the research, corresponding author should take the responsibility and avoid unnecessarily adding the coauthors. Corresponding author should also provide detail of finances involved in undertaking this research.
- View HEC Plagiarism Policy on the following link. HEC Plagiarism Policy
Access to Data:
- PJSR reserves the right to information regarding the research and the authors may be asked to provide raw data.
- Author(s) should consider the ethical issues regarding publication of a manuscript. Hence, it is important to observe that multiple submission of an article in different journals must be avoided. In some cases, an article may be feasible to be published in another journal but that should be with the consent from PJSR. Corresponding author should also communicate to PJSR if there is any information that may affect the standards of publication or compromise the quality.
Responsibilities of the Editorial Board.
- The editorial board member should act value free and perform fair play while taking the final decision regarding publication. They must avoid any personal liking or disliking, sectarian, religious, ethnic or political affiliation that may compromise their impartiality.
- All the information regarding the manuscripts, publications, decisions, data or personal information must be kept confidential. Editorial board members should disclose any sort of information or affiliation that may fall into the clash of interest.
Responsibilities of the Reviewers:
- Reviewers must keep the confidentiality about the manuscript, research or authors and stay impartial while reviewing the manuscript.
- Reviewer should focus the manuscript objectively and no subjective comments or criticism be made on the manuscript or the author. If the reviewer feels any manuscript beyond the area of his/her domain of expertise should timely inform the editorial board.
- Reviewers should keenly observe the citations, references and data sources and report the editorial board if any overlapping or similarities exist to a notable stretch.
Publication Ethical Statement
To ensure high-quality standards in research publications, to keep public interest in the research findings every journal has to keep some ethical standards. Pakistan Journal of Social Research (PJSR) tries best to maintain these standards for publications.
Ethical Statement for Pakistan Journal of Social Research (PJSR)
I verify/ certify/endorse by myself and on the behalf of all the co-authors that the manuscript which have submitted to Pakistan Journal of Social Research (PJSR) is our original work.
Research Misconduct Issues
Pakistan Journal of Social Research maintains high standards of publication ethics and doesn’t allow anyone to misconduct, if any sort of misconduct is reported in the published articles in Pakistan Journal of Social Research the journal reserves the right to take strict action against such contributors. To deal with such publication misconduct related issues the PJSR strictly follows the COPE’s guidelines in dealing with allegations.
Filing a Complaint
The contributors/potential contributors can file a complaint about any discrepancy they find in the desk/editorial and peer review process of the journal, such complaints can be filed through and will be handled by the four members “Complaint Committee” comprising (a) Chief Editor, (b) Associate Editor, and (c) Two Members of Advisory Board.
Conflict of Interest- Ensuring Transparency
Conflict of Interest in Research (COIR)
The PJSR follows the COI/COIR definition of COPE “A conflict of interest (COI) is a situation in which a person or organization is involved in multiple interests, financial interest, or otherwise, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation of the individual or organization. The presence of a conflict of interest is independent of the occurrence of impropriety.” It could be explained as the situation in which the integrity of academic activity, particularly research, maybe, or maybe perceived to be, compromised by financial or other interests. A conflict of interest occurs when a secondary interest distorts or has the potential to distort a judgment related to primary interest.
Conflicts may be a personal relationship, association, family, friends, relationships, and other close personal links; ideological/ beliefs such as religious/political that is relevant to the work; academic such as competitors or someone whose work is critiqued; affiliation i.e. employment, on the advisory board for, or a member of an organization with an interest in the outcome of the work; financial i.e. funding, services, goods and other payments received/ anticipated or expected by author/authors relating to the subject of the work or from an organization with an interest in the outcome of the work and maybe an intellectual property i.e. patents or trademarks owned by someone or their organization.
For Authors
All manuscripts for articles, original research reports, editorials, comments, reviews, book reviews, and letters that are submitted to the journal must be accompanied by a conflict of interest disclosure statement or a declaration by the authors that they do not have any conflicts of interest to declare. All articles that are published in the journal must be accompanied by this conflict of interest disclosure statement or a statement that the authors have replied that they have no conflicts of interest to declare. If a journal prints unsigned editorials, it should not have been written by anyone with a conflict of interest. To facilitate this policy, all authors must privately disclose ‘ALL their potential conflicts of interest’ to the editors of the journal at the time of submission. These include all financial and non-financial interests and relationships with other organizations. Authors should also disclose any conflict of interest that may have influenced either the conduct or the presentation of the research to the editors, including but not limited to close relationships with those who might be helped or hurt by the publication, academic interests and rivalries, and any personal, religious or political convictions relevant to the topic at hand. In the article, the authors must include a draft statement that discloses all relevant conflicts of interest and affiliations.
For Editors and Reviewers
Editors and reviewers must reject /decline to be involved with a submission when they have a recent/current publication or submission with the author. Share or recently shared affiliations with author, collaborate, or have close relationships with the author or financial interest/gain, or feel unable to be objective. Editorial staff must not use information gained through working with manuscripts for private gain. Reviewers must declare any remaining interests in the ‘Confidential’ section of the review form, which will be considered by the editor. Reviewer(s) must declare any conflict of interest which may affect their review work. In cases of conflict of interest, the reviewer(s) are requested to notify the editorial team of their inability to review a particular research paper. Editors and peer reviewers should disclose interests that might appear to affect their ability to present or review work objectively. These might include relevant financial interests or personal, political, or religious interests, and detailed descriptions about tasks, responsibilities of all parties on how to avoid and manage COIs.
Title of the Manuscript:
Author/s Name:
Pakistan Journal of Social Research (PJSR) considers only original manuscripts/ articles and contents that have not been previously published and/or is not currently being considered for publication in another journal and if found so must be withdrawn before being submitted elsewhere. It is the author(s) responsibility to ensure that the manuscript/ research report and all other data contain ample and sufficient detail and references to the sources of information. Authors whose articles are found to have been simultaneously submitted elsewhere may incur sanctions. Moreover, all the authors should be personally involved in the original/ substantive work leading to manuscript, hold themselves jointly and individually responsible for the materials and contents they provide to PJSR.
Submitted manuscripts/Articles that are found to have either fabricated or falsified experimental results, including the manipulation of images, will incur data fabrication and falsification sanctions. PJSR is also careful about the redundant publications. Redundant publications involve the inappropriate division of study outcomes into several articles. The redundant material will reject or a request will be made to merge submitted manuscripts, and the correction of published articles. PJSR also rejects the manuscripts that contains abusive, defamatory, libelous, obscene, fraudulent, or illegal and the whole responsibility will be on authors.
Corresponding author’s signature:
Copyright of the publication is held with the author(s) and PJSR.
Subscription Details:
Currently, PJSR is giving subscriptions to the individuals/organizations of the online publication without any charges but in future we are planning to impose a nominal subscription fee.
Privacy Statement
The public will have access to certain pages contained on the Website that contain general information about the Authors, the journal (PJSR), and the services it provides.
Correction and retraction of research articles
An article completes its publication process in 40 working days after submission. Corrections of research articles were made in the light of suggestions mentioned by referees. Retraction decision is poorly based on the comments of two referees.
Contribution and consents of each author
The Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSR) is HEC Recognized “Y” Category. PJSR requires that all authors take the responsibility for the content of the research submitted for publication. And clearly mentioned the role or contribution of each author along with signatures.
The contributions of all authors must be described in the following manner:
- Study conception and design
- Data collection
- Analysis and interpretation of results
- Draft manuscript preparation
Multiple contribution may be assigned to one author but at least one contribution by each author.
S. No | Author Name | Contribution | Signature |