This research aimed to explore the association between mother’s warmth and psychological well-being. For this study it was assumed that perceived mother’s warmth would be positively correlated with psychological well-being and its six sub-constructs (i.e. positive relations with others, environmental mastery, purpose in life, personal growth, autonomy and self-acceptance). A random sample of 200 students (100 male, 100 female), of ages 20-25 year, belonging to educational institutions participated in this study. With participants’ consent demographic information was recorded and following questionnaires were filled; (1) Perceived Maternal Warmth Sub-scale of Adult PAQR/CONTROL: Mother (short form) (Rohner, 2004), (2) Psychological Well-being Scales (Ryff, 1995). Results reveal that only two hypotheses were proved. Perceived mother’s warmth is positively correlated to environmental mastery and positive relationship with others. Results indicate that perceived mother’s warmth is not a predictor of autonomy, purpose in life, self-acceptance, personal growth and overall psychological well-being.