Globally, growing economic needs, increasing dependency ratio, poverty, and unemployment with gender differences enforcing females to participate in economic activities. Female entrepreneurs are recognized as an economic driver for the growth as well economy generating income for their own, families and creating employment for other females. However being a woman, that usually becomes hard to manage work-life balance and hence they shift the workload on their children. This study aims to explore the links among female entrepreneurs (own household enterprises) on child education and employment. The Probit model is used to estimate the model for that purpose cross-sectional data of HIES (Household Integrated Economic Survey) is employed for the period 2018-2019. The finding of the results reveals that female having enterprises positively influence girls’ employment while the effect on education it remained insignificant. Meanwhile, empowerment influences education with a negative sign that shows the presence of daughters in the labor force. While for boys only empowerment shows significant results.