The research study highlights on the principal nature of ethnography while considering it an essential product of anthropological research. Nevertheless, the study not only has a focus on ER whilst considering it an essence of anthropology but also carries importance for overall qualitative research field. It has mainly discussed the core definitions of ethnography, history, and background with respect to its relevance in anthropology. In the beginning, the researcher formulated the experimental question that, what standard procedure must execute for conducting ethnography and how it could be found constructive in ethnographic research. The study has a basic purpose to build a guidance module for the ethnographers and researchers, especially in the domain of anthropology across social sciences. The researcher has employed SLR methodology to generate analysis on the sourced data in relevance to research question. The collection of data administered through retrieving sample of articles that was 21 and sourced via database i.e. googlescholar.com with the administration of SLR based sampling technique. The data was screened in a repeated manner for analysis purpose while building LS (Link strengths among articles) to end up the research with striking conclusions. The study has brought forth the results about number of steps for execution of ER (Ethnographic Research). The significant research findings have provided the pathways to learn the standard procedure of ethnography and identified gaps in the already conducted previous ethnographic research that can ultimately orient the researchers to be mindful in avoiding the production of ambiguous ethnographic researches that are non-standard as per the demanding criteria of research in anthropology.