For that reason, the current study explores the intricate relationship between sustainable marketing strategies and their results on consumer behavior. The qualitative research investigates the feelings and experiences of the customers when it comes to the firms that use green advertising. Furthermore, the research focuses on the impact of the companies’ claims about the environment and their eco-friendly behavior on the consumer’s trust, brand allegiance, and purchasing intentions. To achieve these goals, the study uses qualitative data collected during numerous interviews and focus groups with the participants of varying demographics. Even though the thematic analysis of the qualitative data reveals that the consumers might prefer the products of firms that are socially responsible, the actual purchasing behavior may depend on various factors, such as the availability of the products, the “green premiums” that the consumers are willing to pay for the eco-friendly products, and the authenticity of the firms’ intentions to be eco-friendly. As a result, the study indicates that there might be a gap in the segment of “what people say they would like to do” and “what they do” when it comes to green marketing. To achieve its results, sustainable marketing must enforce real CSR activities and transparent communication. The study contributes to the sustainable marketing debate by providing insight into the intricate mechanisms of the factors that influence the environmentally conscious consumer behavior. Suggestions for the marketers who want to adopt their practices in line with the consumer expectations for sustainability can be made based on those conclusions.