The current experimental study aimed to investigate the effect of science activities on pre-schoolers’ creative thinking. The researchers used one-group pretest-posttest designs in the present investigation. It was a 16 weeks experimental study in which pre-schoolers were taught using science activities based on an activity-based teaching method. From the 24 study participants, the data was collected using the Torrance Creative Thinking Test (TCTT) before providing intervention (pre-test) and after completing the treatment (post-test). Data were analysed using the paired sample t-test at the alpha level of .05. The findings of the study revealed that results in the post-test were significantly higher than the pre-test for TCTT fluency, originality, elaboration, the abstractness of labels, premature closure, overall figure, overall creative strength, and overall creative thinking. Based on the study findings, the researcher recommended that pre-school teachers develop and use science activities to enhance the creative thinking of the pre-schoolers.