Ageing is a natural process that has a vital role in increasing the susceptibility of individuals either male or female whilst they are growing older to reach an age that eventually led them to end on a phenomenon called death. Like other natural processes, it is a kind of complex and simultaneous process where multi-factors get attracted and operate on many levels in a functional organism. However, the current study aims to address aging and its impact on humans whilst categorizing them on a gender basis. Descriptive research methodology has been employed to assess social support patterns among the aged population of Sohan village. A statistically calculated sample of 97 has been traced and studied through pursuance with the interview method. The study aimed to generate a report based on an understanding of people with different spectacles of beliefs and values regarding the influence of aging on gender along with an assessment of each multifactorial element that affects the individual such as through health mapping, health profile evaluation, and so on. The retrieved data throughout the research has been managed and analyzed whilst using CSPro and SPSS for data entry and analysis software respectively. Significant conclusions have been presented that revealed a proportional relationship between the gender distribution of older persons and their respective health profiles. Moreover, chronic diseases are most prevalently found in males such as heart attacks leading to death than in females which raises the life expectancy and well-being standards of females than males.