Religion is a major cultural element that holds an integral role in societies formation and organization. But differences in religious ideologies and beliefs, results in societal conflicts. Study aims at highlighting the arguments that arise due to religious differences amongst individuals of a community and is focused on the role of religious anthropologists to highlight the consequences of the increasing religious issues and to propose solutions through cultural relativism and cross-cultural approaches. Studying various religious rites and practices fosters cross-cultural communication and interfaith understanding, resulting in the enhancement of research in the field of the anthropology of religion and correction of misconceptions at different levels. A multireligious community with a majority Muslim population and minorities of Christianity and Sikhism at 6th Road, Rawalpindi for primary data collection with unstructured in-depth interviews with an interview guide as a qualitative mode has been observed. The explanatory research methodology was applied to examine how or why interfaith harmony occurs or not. Also, the findings indicated that Emile Durkheim’s approach to a house of worship, where the community served as a place to practice different religions, brings people together and establishes bilateral relations.