ABSTRACTInvoluntary childlessness adversely affects the lives of women on a global scale, including in Pakistan. In many cultures motherhood is...
Read moreAbstractIn Pakistan, the argument over the creation of new provinces and the provincial structure has taken center stage. Unfortunately, political...
Read moreABSTRACTWhile cognitive emotion regulation strategies are viewed as mental approaches which impact emotionality and decision making of individuals, they are...
Read moreABSTRACTCovid-19 is considered one of the major natural disasters ever in history that adversely affect the social, political, and economic...
Read moreABSTRACTAdvertising is one of the most powerful and effective tool that directly affect the buying behavior of consumers also it...
Read moreABSTRACTThis research aims to examine the portrayal of violence in Pakistani Feature Films while developing a comparative analysis during the...
Read moreABSTRACTThe Study aimed to explore the role of twitter in manipulation of public opinion. The main purpose of this study...
Read moreABSTRACT This qualitative research signifies the importance of women’s political participation in all democratic societies in the world is highlighted....
Read moreABSTRACT Buddhism is based on the concept of Ahimsa. The founder of Buddhism was Lord Buddha who came during 563-483...
Read moreABSTRACTThis research evaluated environmental impact assessment (EIA) advocates in Punjab, Pakistan, in order to evaluate their contributions to the profession...
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